
My mom asked me today why i wrote depressed on fb the other day when I was ranting about Trump, it was difficult to give her context on a phone call, I have to take a step back and figure out how to explain to her what the post is about, it's really quite overwhelming , to sum it up,because of crazypants racist grandpa for the leader of the so called free world Donald J Trump, we are now heading for more oil and coal or green coal (whatever that means) , vulnerable environment, more scandals and corruption, less peace, more travel bans, less freedom !
When the country often referred to as the beacon for freedom , Trump casts a really scary authoritarian shadow, Not to mention the pathological lying and the lack of any sort of credibility, the nepotism, the reality tv nonsense...sigh... and that is basically why it's depressing.
Guess she is going to read this and call me again to ask me the same question :) #Iamokaymom #sigh #resist #
ps. I've bullet pointed the things trump is going to destroy
1. The Environment (yes the goddamn environment)
2. Net Neutrality
3. American Health Care System
ps. this is a late post, written but forgot to publish sometime in December 2017
p ps. update 1/31/2018
2018 theme (is this a new low? is this the president capable of such a thing? )
So this Nunes dude, makes this memo showing FISA abuse, his staffers wrote it, he hasn't even checked the underlying intel himself, wants it to be available to public without review, basically saying judges don't know what they signing is just crazy, on the same day sanctions are not imposed on Russia, all while some folks in the special counsel are investigation possible collusion with Russia during the 2016 Elections.
Nothing matters anymore #stateoftheunion #sotu #sigh