2018 begins

2018 has arrived and 1 month in now. boy time is flying by.
It doesn't feel too long ago, 2008, Ten years ago I started this blog.
It's been quite a journey, come a long way from the first post, quite physically that too. 12,530 km is a very long distance, the other side of the planet. wonder how 2028 would like ... *continues to stare at the monitor aimlessly*
One of my goals for the next decade is to step up to the next level in my professional career and travel more.
Along with making money I've always believed in pursuing happiness . Money might make it easier to experience happiness, money might give you the power to avoid certain miseries, and yes in general without a basic amount of money, happiness can elude you, but outside of that basic amount I've come to realize happiness lies within, happiness lies time spent with loved ones, happiness lies in the thrill of creative effort, happiness lies in thrill of adventurous travel.
I'm focusing this year on travel, as they say , Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer.
so far this is what my travel plans look like for the calendar year 2018
1. Cleveland, OH
2. Los Angeles , CA
3. San Diego, CA
4. Tampa, Florida
5. Orlando Florida
6. Acadia
7. Cherry Springs State Park, PA
8. Iceland / (Swedan & Norway)
Lets see if new places popup , as weekend getaways or if any of the above places get pushed to next year.